Side Effects of Hand Practice urdu


health-tips:Hand practice or masturbation is unnatural activity and has many harmful consequences. There are many side effects of excessive masturbation and people who claim that there are no side effects are absolutely wrong. Excess of everything is bad. If there were no side effects of excessive masturbation than there would have been no term called ‘Erectile Dysfunction’. Here we will list down few side effects of masturbation and hope that after reading them masturbator will quit masturbation.

  •     The first and most important side effect of masturbation is that it damages the overall health of a masturbator. Masturbator feels weakness in his body.
  •     Masturbation damages the arteries of the penis. Gradually it blocks the blood circulation towards penis, which results in semi erection or no erection at all at the time of intercourse.
  •     Masturbation also causes frequent Nocturnal Ejaculation which is not good for health as well as the reproductive system. It weakens both of them.
  •     Masturbator is also likely to suffer from endocrine diseases.
  •     Masturbation wastes the precious sperm which is very important to carry the generation of a person. Masturbation also weakens the sperm cells and can seriously affect the pregnancy chances of the woman.
  •     The most common side effect of masturbation is premature ejaculation. Most of the young generation is affected by this disease. Due to premature ejaculation a masturbator is unable to satisfy his wife after marriage which can lead to many tensions and even divorce. There is an every chance that the wife of the person suffering from premature ejaculation will cheat on him to satisfy her sexual needs.
  •     Frequent masturbation also damages the eyesight as it weakens the blood vessels taking blood to that part of the body.
  •     Excessive masturbation can result in over production of sex hormones, which makes the person addicted to masturbation without any reason.
  •     People who masturbate regularly are likely to suffer from seminal leakage. Seminal leakage is a disease which causes sperm to leak out of the penis without any erection.
  •     Sometimes masturbation can also cause depression, tension and anxiety as the desire for sex increases.
  •     There are side effects for girls as well if they masturbate. Girls that masturbate frequently at the beginning of their puberty changes are most likely to be ejaculated even with a slightest touch.
  •     People who masturbate regularly like 2-3 times a day are more likely to suffer from the backbone pain because of the sedative lifestyle they develop over time.

It is true that if you masturbate once in a week then there no side effects of masturbation. But it is strongly advised not to masturbate at all. If you will plan to masturbate once in a week than you will be never able to fulfil it because masturbation increases the desire of intercourse so it is better to quit it.


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